Tier 4 Student (Child) Visa

All those students who wish to study in any of the Educational Institutes of the United Kingdom, and fall under the age bracket of 4 to 17 years must apply under this visa category. The Tier 4 Student (Child) Visa category is a very flexible one and allows the qualified applicants to take any full-time study course of their choice whose duration is 6 months or more.

The candidates must have intentions to seek education in a fee-paying and independent United Kingdom educational institute. As a licensed education provider, the institute serves as a sponsor and confirms the candidate’s enrollment offer. The applicants are required to prove their capability to accommodate and sustain themselves (or to be accommodated by the host) during their study period in the United Kingdom. Besides, the students must also show that they can pay for educational expenses.

Tier 4 Student (Child) Visa Requirements

The United Kingdom Home Office has duly set the criteria and set of requirements that all the applicants are required to meet in order to qualify for the student visa under this category.

Most importantly, the candidates must show that an approved educational institution of the United Kingdom has accepted them in a recognized study course. The institute that confirms your enrolment must be authorized by the Home Office of the United Kingdom.

The candidates must also submit some evidence to show that they possess sufficient funds to support their accommodation in the United Kingdom.

Every applicant who applies under this visa category is required to have written consent of parents or guardians for the care arrangements, travel and reception.

Tier 4 Student (Child) Visa Benefits

The qualified applicants are granted a student visa by the authorities as per the total duration of the course that they choose to attend.

This visa offers a significant benefit of developing a strong educational base in the United Kingdom. The country is known well for high education standards and excellent quality. Studying here would be highly advantageous for you.

The under 18 students can apply under this category, and eligible ones will be issued a visa to study the program of their choice in the UK. For how long you get to stay in the United Kingdom depends on your exact age and the total duration of your study course.